Episode 30
11 tips to make your FinTech better to move the needle | 2023 Compilation Pod
Today, we have a compilation episode with my favorite question. I always ask this question at the end of the episode, which is, Hey, if you were to change one thing in fintech that could have the most impact to customers, colleagues, and investors, what would that be?
The immediate response from almost everyone is. That's a tough question, Monica. So today let's hear what our guest had to say in 2023.
Here you go! The top 11 from 2023 đź’Ą
👉Put customers at the Heart of what you do, not the centre, by Gregor Mowat at Loqbox
👉 Get rid of acronyms to be more inclusive and help people understand. Why would you want your team to be confused?... by Fliss Berridge at Ordo
👉 Change onboarding -- help people understand why this information is being collected and then accept all official IDs available, by David Wachira, PhD at Waya
👉 Acknowledge that FinTechs and Banks are different and with different strengths... then find ways to work better together. 2024 is ready for partnerships! by Ara Abrahamyan at Cognaize
👉Making a positive impact always needs to be at the center and remember we are in business, ask yourself... is this a solution that people want to pay for? by Marijke Koninckx at BankiFi
👉Use open banking, open finance, open data to have a effect on society and economy --> Create the right foundations to remove the big cost barriers of the banking industry of today, by Huw Davies at Ozone API
👉 Really think about customer experience. Deep be care about it, that really makes a difference, by Ken Hart at Snowdrop Solutions
👉 Build products thinking of solving everyday customer problems, by Iliana de Silva at techreo
👉 When selecting partners, create efficient due diligence procedures to evaluate the best fit, key word, efficient, by Svitlanka Sergiichuk Romaniuk at Neofin solutions
👉Think sustainability. Do I really have to push to squeeze the last droplet out of the lemon? Or is it also sufficient if I only get three droplets out of that lemon and leave the rest to us?... this applies to business travel too, by Christian Lehringer at COPECTO GmbH
👉 Have fintech companies and financial institutions partner with governments to promote financial lives and financial education within schools since, from the beginning, when people are kids, by Eduardo Moore at Clara
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This is one of my favourite pods of all time!
Let’s dive into it!
👉 And you can find Monica here:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/monicamillares/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@moni_millares
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moni_millares
- Website: https://moni-millares.mystrikingly.com/
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Production and marketing by Monica Millares. For inquiries about coaching, collabs, sponsoring the podcast or creating or editing your podcast email fintechwithmoni@gmail.com
Disclaimer: This episode does not constitute professional nor financial advice and does not represent the opinion nor views of my current, past or future employers. The guest has agreed to record and release our conversation for the use of this podcast and promotion in social media.